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PhD students
Quentin DELANNOY (PEPITES) : Tri et priorisation des patients aux urgences: apport de l'IA dans l'amélioration du tri et l’optimisation des ressources, supervised by Youri Yordanov, and Cédric Gil-Jardine (ISPED).
Bastien GENET (PEPITES) : Développer et optimiser l’offre de soins orthogériatriques, supervised by Lorène Zerah.
Mirna NADDOUR (ERES) : Identifying high-risk groups for mental health problems in adolescents supervised by Judith van der Waerden.
SUHANDA Ilona (SUMO) : Modélisation spatiale des zoonoses à tiques, supervised by Raphaelle Métras.
SUPRABHATH Kalahasti (SUMO) : Transfer learning to inform the spread of other respiratory viruses : Application to Influenza using COVID19 and drug sales, supervised by Pierre-Yves Boëlle and Eugenio Valdano.
Pierre-Clément THIEBAUD (PEPITES) : Scores pronostiques dans l'hémorragie digestive haute aux urgences : évaluation de la méthodologie et de la performance, supervised by Youri Yordanov.
Other members
Jonathan BASTARD (SUMO) : ANSES postdoctoral fellow on the project "Modélisation Fièvre du Nil Occidental" (co-supervisor IPLESP : Raphaelle Métras).
Alexis COCHARD (PEPITES) : Research engineer on the project "DEprescriBing Oral hypoglycaemic dRugs in older Adults witH type 2 diabetes and association with clinical outcomes: an emulated target trial" (project of Lorène Zerah).
Astrid KEROUEDAN (ERES) : Public Health intern on IMPROVA project (e-Intervention "Enhancing Mental Health in Adolescents").
Thomas MONCHAUSSE (SUMO) : Public Health intern on a study based on the Grippenet/Covidnet.fr cohort, examining the evolution in the general population of mask-wearing during acute respiratory infections before and since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Maria-Chiara SGARIGLIA (ERES) : Public Health intern on tobacco project.