Published on January 29 2025

New members

We extend a warm welcome to those who have recently joined us.


Welcome to:

PhD students

Loris AZOYAN (SUMO): Adherence to hydroxyurea and its impact on acute and chronic complications of sickle cell disease in real life settings.

Inès BELALEM (SUMO): Sexual quality of life and body image perceptions in women with lipodystrophy syndromes and Turner syndrome: a systematic review and a case control study.

Camille COUSTAURY (SUMO): Increasing preparedness to emergence by multi-source surveillance of transmissibles diseases.

Antoine FAUCHOIS (THERAVIR): Multi-omics exploration of mechanisms of long-term virological suppression in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy.

Guillaume MELLON (SUMO): Respiratory cross-transmission of infectious agents: a multimodal approach in healthcare settings.

Kamyar ROUDAKIAN (SUMO): data-driven modeling of disease transmission with risk perception and adaptive behaviors.

Rémi ROUGET(THERAVIR): HBV infection in people living with HIV: protection and risk during therapeutic reduction.

Thibaut SABATIER (ESSMA) : This thesis aim to study the evolution of factors associated with cannabis use in the general population in France over a 30-year period, relying on data from repeated cross-sectional surveys: the Baromètres Santé conducted by Santé Publique France.

Harold TANKPINOU ZOUMENOU (CLEPIVIR): Admission to the Intensive Care Unit for Lung Cancer Patients: Therapeutic Strategies, Care Pathways, and Prognosis.

Zheng WANG (CLEPIVIR): Mental health and addictions among people infected with hepatitis B or C viruses. Analysis of the national health data system.

Other members

Clara GUILLOU (NEMESIS): Research assistant on H3Sensing project.

Elhadji LEYE (CLEPIVIR): Research engineer on NOTIMORBIVIH project, FHDH cohort.

Léa MAROC (NEMESIS): Research assistant on H3Sensing project.

Caroline PIHAN (NEMESIS): Research engineer, coordinator on H3Sensing project.

TomTATENGELO (NEMESIS): Research assistant on H3Sensing project