Published on June 08 2024

Communications of the CLEPIVIR team at the EPICLIN 2024 conference

The 18th French-speaking conference on clinical epidemiology (EPICLIN) and the 31st Journées des Statisticiens des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (JSCLCC) were held in the pleasant town of Dijon from 15 to 17 May 2024.

EPICLIN 2024 / 31èmes Journées des statisticiens des CLCC

EPICLIN is a multidisciplinary conference open to French-speaking researchers and professionals in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics applied to biomedical research. This year's themes included: methods and innovations in clinical research, methodological advances in prognostic and predictive studies, Bayesian approaches, medico-economic evaluations, psychometrics and perceived health, etc.

EPICLIN 2024 was a unique opportunity for IPLESP researchers and doctoral students to discover new advances in these fields and to share their scientific output through oral communications and posters. Congratulations to Elhadji LEYE, a doctoral student in the CLEPIVIR team, for his talk in the session on the use of medico-administrative databases in clinical research. Benjamin Glemain and Paul Moulaire presented their recent work during the poster sessions, which attracted a great deal of attention.

All in all, the conference was a great experience, marked by high-quality scientific exchanges in a convivial atmosphere.