Benoît Marin joins the IPLESP
Benoît Marin, full professor of Public Health, joined Sorbonne University and APHP.SU on September 1st, 2022.
He was previously a teacher-researcher at the UMR Inserm / IRD 1094 "Tropical Neuroepidemiology" in Limoges (Director: Pr Preux). Between 2018 and 2022, he joined the French General Directorate of Health (Direction Générale de la Santé) as assistant to the deputy director of the health products policy, where he was involved in the management of health crises related to health products.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, he managed the COVID-19 interministerial research unit (Ministry of Health (MSS) and Ministry of Research (MESRI)), an entity dedicated to monitoring therapeutic and vaccine research conducted in France and internationally, optimizing the authorization process and implementing research coordination actions in France, while ensuring regular reporting on these aspects to the prime minister's office and the offices of the ministers in charge of health and research.
By joining Sorbonne University and APHP.SU, Benoît Marin joins the team of University teachers in Public Health and takes the responsibility of the Reference Center on Teratogens (Centre de Référence sur les Agents Tératogènes). The CRAT (Hôpital Trousseau), founded and directed until then by Dr Elisabeth Elefant, is a structure of expertise on the risks linked to exogenous agents (mainly drugs) on fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is a unique structure at the French national level which benefits from an international influence and which conducts its activity in strong interaction with health professionals. In terms of research team, in coherence with his hospital insertion, Benoît Marin joins PEPITES within IPLESP where he will develop a research activity related to the evaluation of the health consequences (embryonic, fetal, maternal, neonatal and remote aspects) of drug exposure during pregnancy.